
2024年10月16-18日, 北京全国农业展览馆11号馆(新馆)


COTTM秀展商┃览盛假期(RG Holidays):提供英国爱尔兰旅游专业地接服务!


日前,中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)主办方宣布已签约览盛假期RG Holidays参展COTTM2019览盛假期(RG Holidays)曾多次参展中国出境旅游交易会COTTM)2019415-17日,再次与您相约北京全国农业展览馆(新馆),展位号:220,欢迎前来洽谈合作!

The organizer of COTTM2019 (China Outbound Travel & Tourism 2019) announced officially that the RG Holidays has confirmed to participate in COTTM2019, this is the three times of RG Holidays to attend COTTM and the RG Holidays will share new travel information and products in COTTM2019. Looking forward to meeting you again at their stand NO. 220. 

览盛假期(RG Holidays)是在英国有正式注册的合法国际旅行社,总部位于英国伦敦,并先后于都柏林、北京、上海、大连、青岛等处均设有分公司。公司具有中国公民前往英国旅游的ADS接待资质,本着“专业创造价值,品质成就未来”的理念,从事于英国爱尔兰旅游专业地接服务。接待团组类型包含:散拼团、订制单团、商务团、展会团组、冬夏令营团组及亲子游。

RG Holidays is a legal international travel agency officially registered in the United Kingdom. It is headquartered in London, England and has branch offices in Dublin, Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, and Qingdao. The company has ADS reception qualifications for Chinese citizens traveling to the UK. Based on the concept of “professional value creation, quality achievement in the future”, the company is engaged in professional ground contact services in Ireland and the UK. The type of reception group consists of: casual group, custom single group, business group, exhibition group, winter and summer camp group and parent-child travel.



注:该展商推介内容(展商秀中)被点赞 100(参考以下例子),主办方将提供给该展商在COTTM2019会刊免费广告1p(尺寸为:210mm*297mm)


中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)是由英国塔苏斯集团(Tarsus Group)2005年在中国创办组织,定位于中国出境旅游市场的B2B专业展览会。截至目前,COTTM已在北京成功举办了十四届。

