在本月初举行的2024年中非合作论坛北京峰会,通过了《中非合作论坛—北京行动计划(2025-2027)》。该行动计划中明确提出: 中方支持所有非洲建交国成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地国; 中方支持中国民营企业投资非洲旅游业。
与展会同期,COTTM Conference也将于2024年10月16-18日在北京全国农业展览馆(新馆)大会议室内举行。同时,主办方也将于10月17日下午推出“COTTM出境旅游投资&发展论坛”。COTTM也将力邀数家海外旅游目的地使领馆/旅游局(部),向文旅投资业界陈述其旅游投资政策并展示其优质旅游投资项目和发展机遇。
日前,来自坦桑尼亚的SAFARI GATEWAY游猎公司正寻找中国文旅投资者和运营合作伙伴,来共同发展和推广坦桑尼亚的绮丽风光、桑给巴尔充满活力的海滩文化以及刺激的野外游猎旅游等。期待计划出海非洲并希望向出境旅游产业链上游延申的文旅投资机构前来围观。
Safari Gateway – 重点信息
SAFARI GATEWAY是一家首屈一指的旅游运营商,在桑给巴尔和坦桑尼亚两地提供令人难忘的冒险旅游产品。
Safari Gateway is a Tour Operator and premier gateway to unforgettable adventures in Zanzibar and Tanzania.
Interested parties, would be seeking to partner with an organisation promoting Tanzania’s enchanting beauty, the splendour and vibrant culture of Zanzibar’s beaches and the thrill of safari and the wild.

SAFARI GATEWAY专业提供令人着迷的动物迁徙之旅,让游客亲身体验数百万只角马和斑马在塞伦盖提生态系统内每年一次的迁徙活动。
Safari Gateway specialises in great migration safaris, which offer a captivating experience centred around the annual migration of millions of wildebeest and zebra across the Serengeti ecosystem.

SAFARI GATEWAY始终秉持保护野生动物及可持续发展的理念,为游客提供独特的旅行体验。其旅游产品融合了海滨的宁静及野外狩猎的刺激。Safari Gateway is a unique tour operator blending beachside calm, with exhilarating, awe-inspiring experiences, and a commitment to wildlife conservation, sustainability and responsible tourism practices.
Great migration safaris are an extraordinary event that allows tourists to observe the awe-inspiring journey, as animals traverse the landscape towards fresh grazing grounds.

Their unique itineraries can combine exploring Tanzania’s rich historical sites, the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, safaris and with beach relaxation in Zanzibar.

SAFARI GATEWAY将提供专业的导游,安排舒适的住宿,并致力于野生动物的保护,也为后代保护坦桑尼亚的自然和文化遗产。
Safari Gateway offers expertly guided, comfortable accommodation, and a commitment to wildlife conservation, and preserving Tanzania’s natural and cultural heritage for future generations.

With over 17 years of expertise in the tourism industry, and a vision to provide transformative travel experiences while protecting the environment, local communities and promoting sustainability.
SAFARI GATEWAY是桑给巴尔旅游投资者协会(ZATI)、桑给巴尔旅游运营商协会(ZATO)、非洲旅游协会(ATTA)的成员。
Safari Gateway is a member of Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors (ZATI), Zanzibar Association of Tour Operators (ZATO), The African Travel & Tourism Association (ATTA)
公司首席执行官Biubwa Khamis是桑给巴尔商会(ZNCC)董事会的成员。
Ms Biubwa Khamis CEO is affiliated to Board of Zanzibar Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC)
Safari Gateway – 补充信息
如需了解更多信息,请联系:Mr Jon Danks, CEO, CAPITAL HORIZON
For more information contact Mr Jon Danks, CEO, CAPITAL HORIZON
We Chat ID: JonComx
E: jon@commercialX.co.uk
M: +44 (0) 7519 732485