
2024年10月16-18日, 北京全国农业展览馆11号馆(新馆)


COTTM秀展商┃不丹旅游委员会Tourism Council of Bhutan参展COTTM2019(上)


日前,中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)主办方宣布已签约不丹旅游委员会Tourism Council of Bhutan参展COTTM2019不丹旅游委员会Tourism Council of Bhutan首次参展中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM),2019415-17日,将携手多家不丹旅游供应商与您相约北京全国农业展览馆(新馆),展位号:325,期待与您洽谈合作共同发展!

The organizer of COTTM2019 (China Outbound Travel & Tourism 2019) announced officially that the Tourism Council of Bhutan has confirmed to participate in COTTM2019, this is the firs tparticipation of Tourism Council of Bhutan to attend COTTM and the Tourism Council of Bhutan will share new travel information and products in COTTM2019. Looking forward to meeting you again at their stand NO.325

不丹被认为是世界上最独特的旅游目的地之一。如今,旅游业是一个充满活力的行业,有着增长和进一步发展的巨大潜力。 不丹王国政府坚决奉行高价值、低影响、低客流量的旅游政策,为不丹建立独特和丰产的形象。

Bhutan’s tourism sector is regarded as one of the most exclusive travel destinations in the world. Today tourism is a vibrant business with a high potential for growth and further development. The Royal Government of Bhutan adheres strongly to a policy of high value, low impact/volume tourism which serves the purpose of creating an image of exclusivity and high- yield for Bhutan.

1、 Bhutan Bountiful Tours(与不丹Bountiful Tours


“与不丹Bountiful Tours的商业活动是为了支持穷人,让世界变得和平” 不丹Bountiful Tours的核心价值在于实现旅行者的梦想,提供最具性价比的旅行,同时保证产品及其服务品质。与此同时,我们平等地重视我们所有的的合作伙伴代理商,并希望通过旅游成本的优化和产品的创新,通过全天候服务的支持,让业务合作更顺畅,以让我们的合作伙伴在全球范围内建立自己的形象。我们提供多样化的旅游产品,但专注于文化和节日旅游,西方历史和遗产旅游,国民幸福哲学之旅的学生交流,友好的体育旅游,精神和冥想之旅。

“Business with Bhutan Bountiful Tours is to support the poor and making the universe peace” The core values of Bhutan Bountiful Tours are to materialize dream of travelers providing most cost effective tour without compromising the qualitative products and its services. At the same time, we want to value our partner agents equally to build their image worldwide by supporting all the time collaborating smooth businesses through tour cost innovations and schemes. We provide diversities tour products but specialized on cultural & festival tour, Historical & heritage tour, Student exchange on Gross National Happiness philosophy tour, Friendly Sports tour, Spirituals and meditation tour and Hiking & camping.

2、 Bhutan Enlightened Tours and Treks(不丹竺杰尕布旅行及徒步旅游公司)


不丹竺杰尕布旅行及徒步旅游公司重点经营不丹王国境内观光旅游和一些特殊项目如民俗旅游、文化旅游、探险旅游、宗教旅游、学生教育旅游、直升机观光旅游,徒步穿越漂流旅游、山地自行车旅游。 我们和不丹主要的酒店航空公司建立了良好广泛的关系,我们长期的旅游经验和喜马拉雅山地旅游的相关专业知识使我们能够为来自全世界各个国家的游客提供我们全方位的旅游服务。如果您选择我们,就是了选择专业的知识,就是选择了在中国学习并培养的经验丰富的中文导游,就是选择了具有不丹特色的美味餐饮,就是选择了安全舒适的交通工具,所有的这一切都意味着您的不丹之旅将会充满美好的感受和回忆,不丹竺杰尕布旅行及徒步旅游公司是您喜马拉雅雷龙之国的最佳选择!

Bhutan Enlightened Tours & Treks Company focuses on sightseeing tours in the Kingdom of Bhutan and special projects such as folklore tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism, religious tourism, student education tours, helicopter sightseeing tours, hiking through rafting tours, mountainous Bicycle tour and trekking. We have established a wide range of relationships with major hotels and airlines in Bhutan. Our long-term travel experience and expertise in the tourism industry has enabled us to provide our full range of travel services to visitors from all over the world. If you choose us, you will choose the professional knowledge. In our service you will be guided by some of the most experienced Chinese tour guides who has studied in China and has a lot of experience in guiding. You will have the opportunity to taste delicious Bhutanese foods and you will have a safe and comfortable transportation with drivers having many years of experience. With our utmost importance given to each guest we will make your trip to Bhutan filled with wonderful feelings and memories. Bhutan Enlightened Tours & Treks is the best choice for you to visit Bhutan and explore, indulge and learn the unique culture and tradition of this small Himalayan Kingdom.



Changlo Chen Tours是一家著名的旅行社,在不丹提供广泛的旅游相关服务。我们所有的服务旨在满足我们的客户的各种旅行需求,从机票到住宿预订。我们还可以根据您的需要和愿望设计定制优价的个性旅游套餐。 您所需要做的就是与我们的旅行主管取得联系,了解您的所有旅行需求,我们将以最合理的价格在最短的时间内完成所有的计划。您可以通过邮件或电话与我们联系,我们将很乐意为您解答。 我们希望不久能为您提供旅游服务。如需更多信息,请访问COTTM325展台。

Firstly let us introduce our company, Changlo Chen Tours. We are a reputed travel agency offering a wide range of travel related services in Bhutan. All our services aim to meet all kinds of travel needs of our clients that range from tickets to accommodation reservations. We also specialize in custom-made travel package that are designed as per your needs and desires at very competitive rates. All you are required to do is get in touch with our travel executive for all your travel needs and we will do all the planning in the shortest time for the most reasonable price. Feel free to contact us via mail or telephone and we will happy to attend to your queries. Please find all our contact details below. We hope to serve you with our travel services soon. For more information, you can visit 325 COTTM.

4、 Hotel Druk



Hotel Druk – a luxury four-star botique hotel is a part of the Tashi group of companies and has been in operation since 1985. Over the years, it has been renovated to give it a chic and modern edge that is powerfully felt in uncluttered spaces. Each floor, differently inspired, explores a subtle palette drawn from water, air, earth, fire and sky.

5、 Om Travenza Tours


我们专注于个人和私人团体,并提供其他旅游不提供的特殊安排。我们自己的农舍午餐或晚餐,100%有机来自我们的新鲜花园,是其中一个亮点,并试图融入自然和我们的风俗与野餐和乡村访问是这些记忆,我们的客人带回家。我们向每一位客人保证,在不丹旅游是一个终生的机会。 除了正常的旅行外,我们还提供免费的可定制的旅行路线,包括文化、佛教朝圣、骑自行车、徒步旅行、徒步旅行、蜜月、观鸟、节日、农舍住宿等两三种活动。

We focus in personal and private groups and offers special arrangement that is not available with others tours. Our own local farmhouse lunch or dinner with 100% organic from our fresh garden is one of the highlights, and trying to blend with nature and our custom with picnicking and village visit are those memories that our guest takes back home. We assures to every guest of fond happiness in within, as visiting Bhutan is a lifetime opportunity. Beside the normal tours, we do offer free customizable itinerary, which can be mixed of two or three activities ranging from, Cultural, Buddhist Pilgrimage, Biking, Hiking, Trekking, Honeymoon, Bird Watching, Festival, Farm House Stay etc.

6、 Shangri-La Bhutan Tours & Treks(香格里拉不丹旅游和徒步旅行)


欢迎来到国民幸福之地:不丹 不丹确实是最后的香格里拉。 不丹今天能提供的是其他人根本没有的东西。不丹几乎是一个非常独特的目的地,无价之宝。金钱无法买到不丹所提供的东西。如果您正在寻找五星级的舒适,购物天堂,令人眼花缭乱的夜生活等等,不丹不是您的目的地。但是,另一方面,在这个21世纪,如果您正在寻找一个可以体验过去和现在的东西的目的地,那么不丹就是您的理想之地。也许,不丹是喜马拉雅山脉中大乘佛教的最后堡垒。

Welcome to the Land of Gross National Happiness : Bhutan Bhutan is indeed the Last Shangri-La. What Bhutan can offer today is what others don’t have at all. Bhutan is virtually a very unique destination and is priceless. Money cannot buy what Bhutan has got to offer. If you are seeking Five Star Comforts, Shopping Paradise, Dazzling Nightlife, so on and so forth, Bhutan is not the destination for you. But, on the other hand, in this 21st century, if you are looking for a destination where you can experience something of the past as well as something of present, then Bhutan is the place to be. Perhaps, Bhutan is the last bastion of Mahayana Buddhism in the Himalayas.

7、 Bhutan Rila Expedition


Bhutan Rila Expedition提供专门的不丹之旅。每次旅行都经过精心设计,以确保您在提供的时间内看到每个目的地的最佳一面。无论是在不丹的一些自然未破坏的地区进行一次豪华旅行还是一次不同寻常的徒步旅行,我们对每个目的地深入了解和关注细节,确保给你留下难忘的回忆。

Bhutan Rila Expedition offers specialized tours of Bhutan. Each trip is carefully crafted to ensure that you see the best of each destination. Whether a luxurious journey or an offbeat trek in some of the unspoilt regions of Bhutan, Bhutan Rila Expedition takes pride in itself on an intimate knowledge of each destination and an attention to detail that will ensure unforgettable memories for you.

8、 Shelgong tours and travel


Shelgong Tours&Travel是不丹旅游运营商,成立于2017年,位于ThimphuBabesa。终极旅行伴侣欢迎您来到异国情调和古朴的小喜马拉雅不丹王国。我们承诺提供在国内最高水平的旅行管理,最重要的是为我们尊贵的客户提供高质量的旅行服务。我们将给每一位与我们同行的游客留下关于雷龙之国及其人民的最美好的回忆。

Shelgong Tours & Travel is the Bhutan Tour operator established in the year 2017, located in Babesa,Thimphu. We ultimate travel companion welcomes you to exotic & quaint little Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. We promise to provide the highest level of travel management in the country and most importantly to provide high quality travel services it our valued customers.

9、 Bhutan Land Of Happiness Tours


我是Pema Tshering,不丹欢乐之地旅游公司的首席执行官,代表着不丹。我们公司是在2009年经不丹皇家政府批准成立的。我们公司的宗旨是以合理的价格提供优质的服务来“养金鹅”。因此,我们始终确保我们的客人能从他们的不丹旅行投资中得到最好的享受。我们还希望通过我们的符合我们的国家“国民幸福总值”的目标的服务成为不丹领先的入境旅行社。我们将努力帮助我们的客户从不丹带回无价的回忆,这些回忆对得起他们决定去不丹旅行的投资。

I am Pema Tshering, CEO of Bhutan Land of Happiness Tours.Representing from Bhutan.About us , the company was founded in 2009 after the approval by the Royal govt. of Bhutan.Our Company Motto is to `REAR THE GOLDEN GOOSE` Through delivery of quality service at a reasonable price.Hence, we always ensure that our guest enjoy the best from their travel investment in Bhutan. we also aspire to become a leading inbound travel agent in Bhutan through our service aligned with our national goal of `GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS`.we will strive to aid our clients take priceless memories back home from Bhutan which are worthy of their investment and travel decision to Bhutan.



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中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)是由英国塔苏斯集团(Tarsus Group)自2005年在中国创办组织,定位于中国出境旅游市场的B2B专业展览会。截至目前,COTTM已在北京成功举办了十四届。

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